For all your PC requirements
CMS Infinity includes everything you need to create and maintain a beautiful, flexible website. It is fully-featured content management software which has been developed by usability experts and includes the following features:
Website TemplatesChoose from dozens of beautiful, industry-specific website templates with just one click.![]() Feedback FormsUse the drag-and-drop wizard to create feedback forms and then add them to your website. Responses are saved in your control panel and can be exported to Microsoft Excel.![]() Integrate Your Existing DesignAll templates are one simple HTML page, making it easy to integrate any existing design in under an hour.SEO CustomizationMake your website 100% SEO-friendly by specifying SEO title, keyword and description options for content types. All automatically generated URLs are also search engine friendly.Down for Maintenance OptionEasily show a "Down for Maintenance" message on your website.Easily Upload ImagesThe built-in image manager makes it easy to upload multiple images at once. You can also rename and delete images too.![]() |
Photo GalleriesUpload dozens or even thousands of photos at once and then add the gallery anywhere on your website.![]() Custom Build Menus/ListsUse the menu/list wizard to create a list of items (such as web pages or recent press releases) and then use the drag and drop layout editor to position the list anywhere on your website.![]() 1, 2, or 3 Column Page LayoutsCustomize the layout of every page on your website. Your home page could be 3 columns, your blog could be 2 and your staff profiles might be 1 column - it's up to you.Drag and Drop Layout CustomizationMove content around on your website using the drag and drop layout editor. Position a menu at the top of the master template so it appears on every page, or customize pages so each is unique with its own menu and content.![]() Start & Expiry DatesUse the content expiry options to publish content between, from or to a specific date - perfect for publishing information on time sensitive events such as dinners and conferences. |
Calendars & EventsCreate a calendar full of events and display it on your website. You can even limit which staff members can modify your calendar.![]() Multi-Level Navigation MenusLink content to parent items to easily create multi-level horizontal and vertical navigation menus up to 3 levels deep.Custom Content TypesUse the built-in content types (articles, blogs, news, web pages) or create your own using the visual form designer. No HTML required.![]() Custom Content ViewsCreate your own views (or saved searches) to quickly access and edit specific content from the control panel in just one click.![]() WYSIWYG HTML EditingCreate content using the built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor. It supports paste from Word, rich text formatting, links, images and more.Categorize ContentEasily categorize content into categories with unlimited sub categories. You can then create filters to choose how content should appear on your website.Assign Authors to ContentMultiple users can collaborate on a single piece of content and they will be listed as the authors of the content. |
Browser-Based Content AuthoringIt's easy to create new content for your website. Simply choose the type of content you want to create and then type in the details.
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One Click Lead Capture FormsCreate contact forms and add them to any page on your website in seconds. When a visitor fills out your contact form their information will be sent to any email address you like. You can capture leads for:
RSS Feeds GaloreRSS feeds can be created and displayed for any content, any menu and any list you create and display on your website. You can even disable RSS feeds on specific content types.Content CachingYou can choose flexible caching options on a per content-type basis. By default content is cached for one day but this can be disabled or changed from the control panel. |
Custom URL StructuresEach content type you create can have its own custom URL structure. Simply choose the format of the URL, use the available placeholders and your URLs are updated. |
Multi-User Features |
Mutliple User AccountsCreate multiple user accounts, each with their own login details and permissions.User Groups With PermissionsCreate multiple user groups, each with their own permissions right down to the item level.The flexible allow/deny logic makes it easy to create accounts for content contributors, managers and super users - in fact anyone in your organization who needs to contribute to your website in any way. |
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All/Own/Specific ItemsUser groups can be setup with flexible access types including full control, create new, delete, edit and approve.Workflow Approval SystemContent can be set to require approval before being published on the website. You can set some content types (such as press releases and staff profiles) to require approval and allow others (such as blog posts and videos) to be published immediately.![]() |
Active/Inactive UsersEasily disable a user account with one click from the control panel. Once disabled, the user will no longer be able to login and make changes to your website.![]() |
Users in Multiple GroupsA user can belong to multiple groups if required. In fact, a user can be in as many groups as required, simply by selecting the groups when you create/edit their profile.![]() |
Website Design Features |
Website TemplatesChoose from dozens of beautiful, industry-specific website templates with just one click.![]() W3C/XHTML Compliant TemplatesCMS Infinity includes dozens of beautiful website templates. All templates are W3C/XHTML compliant, contain only one HTML page and no PHP.![]() Master Template EditingChange the master template using the drag and drop editor to quickly add a new column or content block to all pages on your website.![]() |
Integrate an Existing DesignIf you have an existing website or design, you can integrate it using the simple one page HTML style guide system in under an hour.![]() Custom Content BlocksCreate custom content blocks which can contain formatted text, pure HTML or images, then drag and position them anywhere on any page of your website.Customize Built-In PagesStatic pages such as error, "down for maintenance" and search tips pages can be fully customized using a WYSIWYG editor.![]() |
Built-In Logo EditorUse the built-in logo editor to create a customized logo for your website or upload your existing logo just as easily.![]() Header Image EditorEasily change the built-in header image of most templates to reflect your branding. You can even modify the "plain" header image to add your own images, slogan and more.Customizable Content BlocksEasily add rich text, pure HTML or an image anywhere on any page of your website by creating a content block and dragging it onto your web page. You can even add affiliate tracking code, third party analytics and traffic monitoring JavaScript and more.![]() Download New TemplatesWe regularly publish new website templates which you can download directly from your control panel. |
Search Engine Optimization Features |
SEO OptimizedThe CMS Infinity template structure was designed from the ground up by search engine optimization experts.All templates make proper use of heading tags, alt tags, meta details, etc. Templates are tableless in design and are crafted to help your website rank favorably in all major search engines. Per-Page OptimizationYou can specify the page title and meta data for every category and page on your website, giving you complete control over the keywords you want to rank for. |
SEO-Friendly LinksAll pages on your website use SEO-friendly links which make it easy for search engine spiders to find and then index the content of your pages.Links are not prefixed with keywords such as /articles/ or /blogs/ - the title of the content item is the only thing which appears in the URL, such as: This increases keyword proximity in URLs and helps you rank better in all search engines. Spaces are replaced with dashes for optimal ranking. |
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Included Modules |
A Completely Modular ArchitectureCMS Infinity is built on a modular architecture. PHP developers can build their own modules to extend the platform for their unique business needs, or use the built-in modules which are explained here.Email to FriendMake it easy for visitors to share content on your website with the "Email to Friend" form.Related LinksPublish a list of related links for a content item to provide visitors with further reading.Resource BoxPublish more information about an article, press release, etc in the resource box.Anchor ImagesAn anchor or "teaser" image can be added to any content item, similar to![]() |
PodcastingPodcasting from your website is easy. You can upload your podcast as an MP3 file or link to it on another website. You can also add your podcast to iTunes using the point and click instructions.![]() YouTube VideosPaste in the link to a YouTube video and it will automatically be embedded in an article, web page, blog, etc on your website.Google AnalyticsTrack the number, location, referrals and bounce rate of visitors on your website with Google Analytics integration. |
CommentsBuild a conversation right from your website by adding a threaded commenting system to any piece of content. You have auto-approve or manually approve new comments.You can also reduce comment spam with CAPTCHA, and visitors can be notified via email when their comment is approved or when someone replies. What a great way to increase the stickiness of your website. ![]() Contact FormLets visitors fill in a basic contact form. Their details will then be emailed to you.AttachmentsAllows you to upload attachments and display them on your web site for download when creating new content.Import From Older VersionsUse the import wizard to import content from older versions of CMS Infinity running on the same domain. |